It was pretty true to its name - there is so much to do and see there, I was pretty darn tired at the end of the day!
The front part of the park is "Future World" and has some really neat attractions that teach about stuff - space, energy, testing cars, the ocean, & agriculture. The most innovative (I thought) ride in this section is "Mission Space". You get into this little pod and it feels like you're in a space shuttle hat is taking off and landing. It's a really really strange feeling! It made my eyes water and I got a little dizzy (I'm prone to vertigo anyway). I was pretty nervous getting on it because they warn you that it might make you sick - in fact, there are air sick bags right there in front of your seat! But it was a really neat experience. I believe it's based on the simulators that astronauts use to prepare to go into space. (I could swear I took a picture in front of that ride, but I can't seem to find it!)
Between the two main "lands" in EPCOT, there is a really nice lagoon that provides for a pretty picture spot:
All around the lagoon is the "World Showcase". That's my favorite part of EPCOT. There are 11 countries represented there. Each country has an attraction that tells you more about the country, one or more restaurants, and shops. Since traveling is my thing, naturally I loved this area!
Here I am with Gnugent & Louise in the "Mexico" area:
And in front of a miniature Butchart Gardens in the Canada pavilion:
And visiting some new friends in Norway:
One of the really neat things we were lucky enough to experience was the international food & wine festival. We just happened to be there at the right time - and interestingly, we didn't really pay attention to it the first time we were at EPCOT (we went back a couple times), but boy did we the second time! We got to try food from several different countries, like Ireland, Argentina, Greece, Morocco, Spain, & India. And it was yummy! That was our lunch that day - we just went from booth to booth trying different things!
Oh, and I must say.... You must stop at the pastry shop in France for the chocolate mousse.... mmmmm.... .......
Oh! One more thing..... The picture at the very top of this post was taken at sunrise before the park opened. What was I doing at EPCOT at sunrise before the park opened, you might ask? Well, we signed up for a Segway Tour - where you ride those 2-wheeled Segway scooters all over the park before it opens. SOOOOO much fun! I highly recommend it. Although it's a little tough to convice cab drivers that it's ok to drop you off at the park that early!
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